Timetable (pdf)
Book of Abstracts
Link for the conference:
NOTE: The Discord application can not be accessed from the University of Novi Sad network, meaning all the participants and guests will have to attend the Conference from home.
Link for the Plenary lecture:
(In case the lecture is full, you can also follow the stream of the lecture on the Discord).
Plenary Lecture
Dr. sc. Goran Pavlić
The University of Tomorrow – Between Autonomy and Service Learning
1 December 2021, 10.30
(online – https://meet.google.com/shi-mjez-hau)
Plenary lecture at the Sixth International Interdisciplinary Conference for Young Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities – CONTEXTS will be held within the project Foundations for Futures Europe (https://www.ffeproject.eu/) which is funded with the support of the European Union’s programme “Europe for Citizens”, Grant Decision No. 625836.
Dr. sc. Goran Pavlić
Assistant Professor and Vice-dean for International,
Interfaculty and Interuniversity cooperation of the Academy of Dramatic
Art in University in Zagreb, Croatia
The University of Tomorrow – Between Autonomy and Service Learning
In the presentation I’ll outline a brief overview of the idea of the university’s autonomy, its genealogy in Enlightenment’s programs and the significance of this concept today. On the other hand, as a growing paradigm in contemporary educational policies, service learning is often considered to be the very antithesis of the university’s autonomy. I will present the case of the newly developed MA program “Performance in Context” at the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb which will be launched in the academic year 2023/24, and stress the juxtaposition between the two mentioned concepts as the constitutive background even for new, innovative programs.
Short biography
GORAN PAVLIĆ is the assistant professor at Dramaturgy Department,
Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. His research interests include
political economy of arts, performance theory, political theory, theory
of ideology, Marxism. He co-edited two collections with Sibila
Petlevski: Spaces of Identity in the Performing Sphere (2011), and Theatrum Mundi. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2015). In 2019, he published a book The Glembays: Dual Reading. He writes theatre reviews, essays, and political commentaries for Croatian journals and web-magazines.