A brief report on The Fourth International Interdisciplinary Conference
for Young Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities Contexts
The fourth Contexts took place at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad on 1 December 2017. Out of 103 accepted participants, 77 young scholars took part at the conference, both from Serbia and countries in the region (Montenegro, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Japan, Greece and Macedonia). Based on the data analysis filled out after the conference, significant amount of feedback was gained on the quality of content and organisation.
In total 74 participants filled in the questionnaire. Out of all the conference participants who filled out the questionnaire, 79.7% listed personal development as their main reason for participating at the conference. 91.9% of the informants were very satisfied with the process of registration. 35.1% of the informants found out about the Contexts through the website, 41.9% by email, while 18.9% chose other as an option. Concerning the organisation, 87.7% of informants were very satisfied; 78.4% were very satisfied with the content; 89.1% of the informants were very satisfied with the conference pack. The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad is said to be a good place for holding this conference by 87.8% of informants. The analysis showed that the participants were satisfied with the conference website (very much: 62.2% and partially: 29.7%).
Ultimately, it is important to emphasise that 84.7% informants stated that the conference met their expectations fully, while 94.6% would recommend the conference to others. Having all these pieces of information in mind, it can be concluded that the fourth Contexts were a great success.
The statistical analysis was done based on the evaluation sheets filled in by the participants. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the participants who filled in the survey and in this way contributed to the further development of the conference organization.